

Bugs are inevitable in web development. The important thing is to catch them when they appear. With GlitchTip, you can rest easy knowing that if your web app throws an error or goes down, you will be notified immediately. GlitchTip combines error tracking and uptime monitoring in one open-source package to keep you and your team fully up-to-date on the status of your projects.

Using Hosted GlitchTip

If you want to sign up for GlitchTip like you would with any other web app, this is your place.

Feature guides

Quick guides to get GlitchTip up and running for your web app.

Hosting GlitchTip on your own server

If you want to run the source code on a server you control, start here.

Working with GlitchTip's code

Help make GlitchTip better by contributing to the project.