To use GlitchTip with your Vue application, you will need to use the @sentry/vue
# Using yarn
$ yarn add @sentry/vue
# Using npm
$ npm install @sentry/vue --save
On its own, @sentry/vue
will report any uncaught exceptions triggered by your application.
Additionally, the Vue integration will capture the name and props state of the active component where the error was thrown. This is reported via Vue’s config.errorHandler
Then add this to your app.js
import Vue from "vue";
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/vue";
integrations: [
Sentry.browserTracingIntegration({ router }),
tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
environment: "dev or prod",
release = 'release tag'
Vue-Specific configuration
The SDK accepts a few Vue-specific Sentry.init configuration options:
attachProps (defaults to true) - Includes all Vue components' props with the events.
logErrors (defaults to true) - Decides whether SDK should call Vue's original logError function as well.
Check out how to Track Vue Components for performance.